Sup. Been a minute, zoo is renovated DM Army slightly reassigned and all that shit. Any repeat posts, it was funny then and will be funny again.
I believe I turned in my blogging keys something like 7? years ago, and I believe it was probably over some bullshit hurt feelings or what not but the Zoo is old. The original DMorgan’s Zoo started like 15 years ago, I’m not counting wrinkles like the abacus of an aging smoker to confirm that number so take my word for it and those who’ve been chilling in the parking lot waiting to come back can count your shit too bitches. We old, and some of you might just now be catching up to my level of both unfiltered and unapologetic rhetoric but the also the fraying rope of how little you give a fuck if it hits a nerve.
/end disclaimer. Now where were we....
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